Mayor William Laforet of Mahwah lists a few of the issues of concern to the residents at the county parks department and the Rutgers Center for Urban Environmental Sustainability at the first community information session regarding the county’s future parks master plan, including this one in Mahwah.
MAHWAH – The Township Council voted “No confidence” in Mayor Bill Laforet on Thursday night, accusing him of jeopardizing the township’s legal footing while it faces a state investigation for potential discrimination in banning non-residents from local parks.
Members of the council scolded the mayor for criticizing the timing of the council’s soliciting ordinance, in statements he made to the public on Thursday night and in prior interviews with the media.
On Thursday, the council also passed an ordinance that bans nearly 40 activities in the township’s 10 public parks, after residents complained of New York residents – many of whom are Orthodox Jewish – busing large groups of children to local parks.